

accs made to stan random stuff. mostly (but not limited to) K POP.

フォロー数:447 フォロワー数:184

They already like the built up and
atleast 2 carachters from the manga isn't it already counts as story and carachters?Remind you 2 early chapter are built around ichigo and rukia.

+ "Romance never mattered" is silly bcs there's love story allover bleach.

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Anyway this manga has been my comfort read. Its not only stupidly funny, it also has pretty art. Oh and it has a cross dress-BL theme. No wonder author of boys before flowers reccomend it.

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Whats breaking the best friend narrative about ichiruki for me was rukia's pained reaction seeing ichigo bleeding for her. Bros might feel worry or angry when this happened. But this much sadness, regret&pain? Its usually reserved for the loved one.

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Bleach ending song 26 is one of my fav ichiruki ending. Cant believe they re-animate Ichigo from rukia's perspective. What with the melancholic soft tone? They nake it look like a romance anime ending.

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My favorite scene is chapter 116, the bridge scene. injured ichigo-as usual-recklessly fled after feeling rukia's reiatsu facing a huge reiatsu. She's the only one he saw once arrived. Its a laser focused stare that allowed him to land right in front of her -cont

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Fan service for girls

The concept of foodgasm is what make SnS..well SnS. Some will cringe over countless bodies stripped naked while tastinh food. But hey thr're some fine muscle & abs too.
If its not per your taste, the bishounen charachter on SnS are topnotch.

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Hence, the significance of kenshin's last love seems far in magnitude compared to his first love story. The OVA adaptation (trust&betrayal) was masterpiece legend. Thats why they put proper respect and care when adapting it into Live action.

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Ship kandas *welcome fanfiction

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In these picture : basically me praying that sheryl and alto to finally reunite and get the chance to love eachother

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