

Reincarnated Grim Reaper being lazy and here we are streaming and gaming

フォロー数:413 フォロワー数:142

Hey Deathwishes how are you guys doing hope yall doing well I have an announcement to make REAPER 2.0 is on WIP currently but i got approval from the artist to do a review so here you guys go !!

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Haha this is nice

Name Ayumu Lim
AGE 600
SPECIES Grim Reaper
Height 5'3
Weight 68 kg
Eye sight short sighted

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kadi pls but hey its fun to know

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am bean now haha thanks so much to my kouhai ghost for this a shoutout for this is too cute

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hello there i dont have a good model just a PNG i hope you dont mind i do like a good signature XD

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OH MY GOD YOU GUYS you guys are crazy THANK YOU WE REACH AFFILIATE the moment I end the stream and saw this I'm legit tearing up THANK YOU GUYS SO MUCH !!!

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KonAyu !!!!! DeathWishes ! The names AyumuLim or short Ayu . Im a Grim Reaper from the Underworld nice to meet ya . Also im a friendly reaper so I might spare your life or will I ??? We shall see
Viewers :
Art :
General :#AyumuLim

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