

suffering from Girls Band Cry withdrawal


フォロー数:470 フォロワー数:9648

Easily my best pieces so far. I have made the most progress this year in discovering an identity I want to stick to. I have decided that thick outlines and cel shading are things I feel a lot more comfortable about drawing.

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I'm gonna make Alm and Celica my pfp for the time being because I love them and also I'm kinda mentally tired for just being a male Byleth fan on main. Like, jaded as heck. Here's the edit.

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Fire Emblem Q: Shadows of the Valentian Labyrinth feat. Almond and CeliQ

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If you dislike FEH Mila artwork and yet somehow love JoJo Part 8 style coloured artwork at the same time you absolutely don't deserve rights.

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Yuri Leclerc and literally the Holy Grail sketch.

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Gamer girl awaiting Xenoblade's arrival

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Drew Door-kun for practice and also jumping on

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My first time joining any stuff.....and also my first ship fanart, ever. Here's one for my fav P3 gal

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