Azam Raharjoさんのプロフィール画像

Azam Raharjoさんのイラストまとめ

Indonesian Comic Artist. Horror.
Buy/read my comic (Beli/baca komik saya):

Represented by Jas Perry (Looking Glass Lit)

フォロー数:1010 フォロワー数:7267

Details and an alternative version.
Hope you enjoyed it. (Please do not repost/use without permission—obviously)

Stay safe, sane, and healthy everyone. Take care.

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Repost karya lama (2017). “Fan” art ̶B̶r̶o̶n̶t̶ ̶P̶a̶l̶a̶r̶a̶e̶ Pengabdi Setan 2017

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Komik ini awalnya ingin dibikin terlalu ambisius sblm disederhanakan jd antologi karena main aman (itu aja ngos2an). Kapan-kapan kureboot kalau ada waktu, tenaga, dan (pen)dana. Yang penting aku dah lega.

Selamat membaca!

(Thread 4/4)

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My biggest achievement this year is a very personal & quiet one. I went back to therapy with new clinical psychologists who actually helped me find the root & solve my lifelong mental problems.

Here are my fave 2021 artworks. I’ll be back soon. Take care. You are breathtaking.

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I usually don’t post non-horror client work nowadays but here’s a sleeping doggo

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Radio Algeria : Forbidden Dawn (Subuh Terlarang) - ENGLISH version
My very first horror comic. 2018. ±60 pages

(Versi bahasa Indonesia :
Atau cek tweet paling akhir di thread ini)

[Thread 1/24]

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Tukeran gambar (art trade) sama . Dia pengen kepalanya ditaruh di piring.

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Yet another commissioned Cthulhu-based horror artwork.
Horror (or regular) commission is still somewhat open. Send DM if interested.

Semacam masih menerima pesanan gambar ilustrasi horor (atau nonhorror). Silakan DM kalau minat.

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Thread kompilasi ilustrasi + cerpen horor pesenan klien yg dipajang di Twitter
Thread of my commissioned horror artworks & short stories on Twitter. Indonesian only.
English ver. partially available on my instagram:

[thread] (will update regularly)

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