AzelinArts (Indefinite hiatus)さんのプロフィール画像

AzelinArts (Indefinite hiatus)さんのイラストまとめ

フォロー数:277 フォロワー数:249

Thought I'd share some of my current campaign's NPCs.

We have Kai (Left) and Aki (Right), ex criminals trying to do right by their city. Kai is level headed and stoic while Aki is nonchalant and a bit unhinged. The party has befriended both but generally perfer Kai haha

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Wanted to make a Dragonborn based on the Lagiacrus from MH but that design wasn't going well so now it's just a gator Dragonborn haha. She's my new Battle Smith, complete with Gunblade and all. Huge thanks to for the help on the anatomy sketch

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Decided to play around a bit with some outfit designs for one of my OCs, Saya. Always was a sucker for dual swords haha (even if they are sub optimal in 5e)

Compared the two designs as well, I think I like the base better but the variant is still pretty cool

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Jumping on the despite me not digging the wording, here's a couple of my best works so far

I draw a lot of OCs, modern/urban fantasy and DnD related pics. I'm still a beginner but I'm definitely doing my best

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I know I'm pretty late on this but I've only been awake for a little while haha

I always appreciate the opportunity to share Mandii!

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Thank you for the opportunity! Here's some of my more recent works

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Much appreciated for the opportunity! Here's a few of my best works as of recent

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Hey thanks for the artshare! Haven't done one of these in a real long time. I tend to make modern/urban fantasy and DnD related works. All these characters are my own DnD characters actually, save for the 3rd one

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Thanks for the opportunity man! Still doing my DnD stuff as per usual, gonna start doing backgrounds soon as well

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