AzelinArts (Indefinite hiatus)さんのプロフィール画像

AzelinArts (Indefinite hiatus)さんのイラストまとめ

フォロー数:277 フォロワー数:249

Here we go, jumping on that Trust system bandwagon. Had to learn some editing stuff but I had fun doing it! May make a Gunbreaker one later


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Happy birthday! Thank you for the opportunity

I do mainly modern fantasy and sci-fi things. Character design(especially outfits) is my favorite thing to do

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Hey there I'm Shane and I do a lot of modern fantasy and sci-fi pieces. Lot of my current works are for my DnD campaign I run every week. One of my favorite things to do is make outfits for characters

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Hey there I'm Shane, I make a lot of modern fantasy and sci-fi pieces. A lot of my current works are for my DnD campaign I run every week. Making outfits is something I absolutely enjoy doing as well!

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Hey there I'm Shane, a fan of modern fantasy and sci-fi things. I'm always looking to improve my craft and am usually making new things based on my DnD campaign I run every week

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Hey I'm Shane, always working to improve my art. Love making modern fantasy and sci-fi pieces. Most of my art lately has gone to my DnD campaign

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When you need to show some extra love to a friend's post

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Me whenever I see a friend post some art, make some screens or generally needs support

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Hey there, thank you for the opportunity. I'm getting pretty close to 200 and I'm willing to work hard to reach that point. If Modern Fantasy, DnD and Sci-Fi pieces interest you then I got you covered!

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