

I am Aziza the Graphic Novelist and I am an indie comic writer.

For more information click below:

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I have 3 stories: "The Kaaiman's Cry" is a thriller comic; "Locket of Devise" is a fantasy comic; and Crosswick Monster part of Cincinnati Cabinet of Curiosities is a supernatural, folklore piece.

You can find them on KDP or on my online store :

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I have 3 stories: "The Kaaiman's Cry" is a thriller comic; "Locket of Devise" is a fantasy comic; and Crosswick Monster part of Cincinnati Cabinet of Curiosities is a supernatural, folklore piece.

You can find them on KDP or on my online store:

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My horror, action comic "The Kaaiman's Cry".
Available now! While supplies last.

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I have 2 digital comics on KDP.

My mystery, fantasy comic, "Locket of Devise" ( my horror, and my action comic "The Kaaiman's Cry" (

If you like what you read you can follow me on social media:

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