

Retweets a lot | PFP by: @LoganArcania

フォロー数:589 フォロワー数:35

Welcome to Runeterra! We got Green & Black mist that makes you haunted, Purple shit that makes you all weird and corrupted and if you were special before it touched you, you have a chance to become RED too!

It becomes reductive and boring when the core concept is all the same...

34 222

It just doesn't add up!
They have moved so far away from what the Void originally was, it isn't a coincidence that Vel'Koz, Cho'Gath, Kog'Maw and Kha'Zix are intentionally left out of the new narrative, because they represent what the Void originally stood for!

6 53

...the Void interesting in the first place. They constantly try to re-invent the same narrative. The void originally just consumed. Now it acts like Viego's ruination and corrupts people to fight for it while there's also subsections of the void fighting for power internally?

7 48

Harking back to the discussion where the Darkin were originally "Void-Traumatized".

Now it seems they really did go with the "Void-Corrupted" approach instead. The latest batch of LoR skins are just that, but with aspects opposed to ascended being corrupted.

14 73

I can't get over the executive decision to remove any identifiable traits from Thresh in the comic. The art is absolutely amazing, but Thresh himself is just a green fart cloud with a chain sickle and a lantern.

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