

Quetzalcoatl/Kukulcan buscando la mejor salsa
🎨 y rigger:@Tomoxm2
🎨: olyrahunnybun
Arte: #BurritoAztecart NSFW #PicaRico

フォロー数:260 フォロワー数:235

Buenas nuevas gente, ya que estoy de vacaciones forzosas, pos mañana hay stream, maso a las 10 am CST, todavia no se que jugar. pero no hay pex bienvenidos los malaventurados abandonad toda esperanza aquellos que entran aqui

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Olala, you touch my tralala my ding ding dong

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Muy buena frase, espero algun dia poder usarla

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I'll give you an even better deal I'll be your bed

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Huzzah i has descended to splurge that salsa on all yer faces and keeper of the magical burrito

Likes: salsa, burritos, sushi, spice, big bahongadongas, and le big smackable peachass

Dislike: when i find it ill tell yah

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if you know u know
Manhwa= Flower and the Beast

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just saying but now this is how you make some good villain eyes glow, it be edgy

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if anybody reads certain manhwas/manhuas/mangas, u gotta agree with me, whenever this scene comes, in different formats, it just adds a lot more to the drama lol

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