

フォロー数:616 フォロワー数:241

*Alice and Iruma are Kissing*
Alice: “I-I sincerely apologize for this… Iruma-sama….💦💦”
Iruma: “I-It’s okay…Azu-kun…”

9 66

The two of them are cute enough just being together😭💖💖💖💖💖

1 46

Me: “Which Iruma do you like more?”
Alice: "I like 'Iruma-sama'"

7 75

Yuji is like a little sun🐯☀️💖

99 443

Detective wants to flirt with criminals🌝✨✨✨#sherliam

54 164

Kaworu to Shinji-kun👀👉🏻👈🏻💦💦💖💖💖💖🎉🎉#kawoshin

0 8

Bam's cuteness is attacking Khun!!Σ(゚д゚lll)#KhunBam

9 52