@WelpLucifer Is this the part where I get on my knees?
@RozeaniVT I'm Azusamori Remilia. My powers are portal creation, fey magic and great leg strength
@artliemix This smug grin must've really gotten on your nerves, huh? ^^;
@MediZense I'm actually going through the story right now! I played it with friends but we were rushing through everything and it was not fun :/ we missed a ton of stuff and just got burnt out
Oh, and don't worry the shark is the least of my concerns. But I'm very much the most of his
@RengokuVT From one Demigod to another, hi!!
@CraziestSquid You want me to be the sussy to your baka 😳👉👈
@killersawgaming Hi, where do I sign my soul away?
@kotah_the_brave OMG I absolutely love geeking out about my OCs. I'll start with my favourites: the Toyotsuki Royal Family
Toyotsuki Taishiro is the director of the Lunayama Magic Academy and the King of the City