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Happy Birthday, honey. ♥️🌸🍅
I just got lost in the painting and I have a lot of back pain still worth it since I'm from Brazil
#HappyBirthdaySasukeUchiha 🎉
I ran to participate.
I know Fox's wedding might fit in with something about Naruto but it was going to be generic, so I did some inspiration from MASA's Fox's Wedding song.
I could not work well then a thousand excuses.
狐の嫁さん 雨傘持たずに
@ykuuro desculpe por não poder fazer algo bem trabalhado, meu tempo tá bem curto e eu tô cheia de coisas pra fazer ( tanto que nem terminei os outros desenhos )...
Da próxima vez eu faço algo melhor
( deixei os dois fundos porque não sei qual melhor )