

FFXIV, Tokusatsu, fighting game fanatic. I love to draw.

フォロー数:728 フォロワー数:631

I'm finally done. I still got a way to go but I am happy with the work I've recently put out.

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Watching Gundam Seed for the first time. The captain is always the best girl.

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Just finished this piece. An original concept I had for a mech series I would brainstorm back in highschool.

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Finally finished the RWBY set. I should've had this done sooner but I kept getting lazy.

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Commission for someone in my local smash scene.

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Haven't drawn mechs in ages. I had fun doing this. These are original designs.

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Finished this Halloween Miku before the month was over. I never finish halloween themed stuff on time... or at all for that matter...

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Its been a while since I've done a fully rendered piece. I've had this on the back burner for a few months. Glad to finally have it done.

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I've been so busy drawing I forgot to post these. I'm still figuring out how im gonna do icon commissions without it taking me hours.

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