MANUAL Social acc of @Octazure📷ENTJ-A/8w9 Writer+Artist♂⚣丑猿♅(♄)♑💉💉💉🔴Type O+🪖Active Duty MILfur(US ARMY)🤠COWBOY 🔮Shapeshifter w/multiple sonas⏳30🐲:🌪⚡🔥

フォロー数:4855 フォロワー数:1574

16. Zangief from Street Fighter

The Red Cyclone fighter & is hands down THE manlinest fucker and fun to play with. ALL DAT NEAR BUTT-ASS NAKED MUSCLES & NOW MY MALE HORMONES ARE RAGIN' <333

Yes Ive played a bit of it & him before. I don't just play Soul Calibur & Smash Bros. :X

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15. Wile E. Coyote

Everyone knows this guy in cartoons due to how long he has been around since it's inception back in 1949. Pure endless entertainment, and most of us I'm sure, grew up watching.

Since I've fully embraced my fursona, this guy matters a LOT to me now too.

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14. Bowser

Y'all saw this comin' - Hot-headed, goofball & big with his shelled body & spikes. What's not to love? Oh and he's been featured in many Mario games, some with more stories than others, and even got his own games! Bowser's Inside Story & Bowser's Fury. Iconic as ever.

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12. King K Rool

From the Donkey Kong franchise

Big chubby baddie who doesn't get as much recognition as the Koopa counterpart, Bowser. BUT HEY, playable character in Smash Bros. Ultimate who can pull off serious damage man!

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10. Also a character with a demonic aura comes Astaroth from Soul Calibur.

Both from an aesthetic story standpoint and by game play, you don't wanna fuck with this guy. But I played with him a lot so I grew accustomed to loving this guy when I used to play the Soul Calibur games

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8. Arbiter (Thel Vadam(ee))

This one was interesting - ever since I started playing the Halo franchise starting with Halo 2, this guy stuck out to me as to how an anti-hero can be portrayed and played as. Outcast yet prevails nonetheless. IMHO a rather underrated dude nowadays.

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7. Solid Snake

From Metal Gear. One of my favorite protagonists - Seriously and unquestionably; He is cool, collected, and does what he does best. And that's what matters most.

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6. Jet Black

From Cowboy Bebop - classic animated show, unforgettable cast of characters. I like this guy for his surrogate fatherly nature and overall badass and chill demeanor. Gotta love the mercenary hunks too

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5. Barrett Wallace

Aggressive extremist but not without comic relief here and there in one of the most influential RPGs, FFVII. Seriously had a good laugh and shock factor with this character among the cast back when I played it.

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