

Beginner Illustrator, Love Art !
Still New on twitter please be kind to me :)

フォロー数:79 フォロワー数:10

Happy Birthday!! Cute lil alien

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Dead just like that my artist passion :(
I dont feel like to draw anything

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I draw Alter Risu or Ayunda hope you like it,
And Ok guys Risu DEEP VOICE is TOO OP need Nerf I can't Sleep Because of last stream!!!!
And my mind filled with Risu !!!! NOOOO HELP!!!

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I don't know why i draw this but well here you go

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My Old OC when i still have chunibyo syndrome LOL,
I wish i was cool as him but im not, that also ok.
oh also his name is Raziel! its cool to share this on my ghost twitter hehehe

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Here you go my fanart!!
Tank you for Bless us with your voice Risu!
-Sum Up Risu Karoke Stream-
Risu: Im gonna destroy my mic
Mic : i guess i'll die
Risuner : HEL- CACTUS- YEAAAH!!!

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Hello Risuner Here just join Tweeter for news on HOLOLIVE ID Lol
AREA 15 Was Cool yesterday!!!!!!
Oh Please i almost dead on this scene LoL!!
Moona Best MOM!
Semangat meskipun banyak masalah teknis kalian masih KAWAII !!! saya sampai Diabetes!

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