many games to playさんのプロフィール画像 many games to playさんのイラストまとめ

Writer/Metalhead/Fightgame-RPG Type. KOF: Iori/Duo Lon/Ikaris/Adel NT: Zenos TK: Hwo/Drag GG: Raven SF: Claw VF: Jean. FFXIV. No minors. I am 30 or 40 years old

フォロー数:1226 フォロワー数:1548

Man seeing more Guilty Gear art today reminds me of how much I miss my bird man

Why u take my bird man Arcsys

Strive may not have hit me like Rev but...still...

0 33

So wait

If DLC has story, team comps, logos and everything

And Kensou wasn't story/interview deconfirmed, and Duo Lon was clearly name dropped by Betty

You're telling me there's like, a shred of a chance in 2023 for Pass 5 or 6 we could see something like Team Dragon Spirit?

14 86

Glad lots of people agree this absolute badass needs to come back

("Is that him in a sci-fi outfit?" Yes, yes it is.)

1 8

He got a name drop you don't know how happy this makes me 😭😭😭

and it was a name drop NOT like "Yeah Daimon's sitting out" it was flat out "Yeah can I get back on that team?"

4 23

Alrighty, since I did Whip, I'll do Heidern here. (Besides as you all know my one day Dream Team is the Ikaris having two full teams with Heidern, Adel and Whip.)

1. Swag Jacket!
2. Him killing the clone who killed Ling('00.)
3. Falcoon. White suit.
4. Vampire outfit. Yes.

2 8

Gotta get Whip in!(I may need to do all the Ikaris...)

1. '99 portrait is my all time fav of hers I think.
2. Love this card in KOFAS. pretty heart-breaking tho. :(
3. KOF x Fatal Fury card art! this one looks great.
4. This winpose with the cheeky smile.

0 6

I gotta do my boy Adel too.

I have more than 4, but...Two are from mobile games, but that first one looks overly fierce and the 2nd hes dressed like Alucard which is TOO fitting.

3rd: Zoom meeting with Heidern.

4th: The first ever time you see him! Looking more menacing.

5 24

Posted this trio of pictures yesterday, but Ill also add one more here for Iori

This last one is from a comic, I know, but man I love it.

The others...97 ending. Legendary.

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