

フォロー数:3 フォロワー数:63379

Youngjae → Young N Y
Jongup → Just N Jump
Zelo → Zero N Zelo

191 121

B.A.P 5th mini album ‘CARNIVAL’ cover image

591 257

[FANART] BAP doodle with their favorite thing. But what is wrong with Youngjae? (cr: ryanmako)

83 40

[FANART] Zelo with precious look. (cr: http://t.co/Lqy5E7kvrS || via: bapfanarter)

10 11

[FANART] Remember this? Killing Camp moments ! ^^ (cr: bapfanarter)

57 36

[FANART] Zelo and his bunny dancing at KBS Open Concert! (cr: dollygd)

23 7

[FANART] Zelo, and Yongguk helping himchan out ^^ (via: BAPdomination)

27 28

[FANART] <LOVE DAY SPECIAL> with Yongguk XD (Source: princessbangster @ tumblr)

15 4

[FANART] <LOVE DAY SPECIAL> with Jonguppie ^^ (Source: princessbangster @ tumblr)

17 6

[FANART] (Source: chaello @ tumblr)

49 15