

Non-profit providing support, information and resources to women and families coping with pregnancy/postpartum mood disorders in the Portland/Vancouver areas.

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At Oh My Gourd - Harvest Fest there’s so much fun stuff to do. We’ve got a packed day planned for you with entertainment, games, crafts and food. Visit to learn more!

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The goal of Self-Injury Awareness Day is to break down the common stereotypes surrounding self-harm and remove stigma as a barrier to getting help.

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We’re creating a new program to provide postpartum doula support for parents.
Today and tomorrow, the last two days of our campaign, up to $1,000 in donations will be matched by .

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Little Give Day!
Everyone who gives $10+ via today, is entered to win 1 of 3 signed wood prints from . Gift it or keep it for yourself! Donate:

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Support BBC on this Big Give Day! You could win two sets of Blazers tickets plus a signed jersey, art from Lea Barozzi (give as a gift or keep for yourself!) plus each $10 enters you to win a weekend away at a beach house in Newport-

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Remember to be a Souper Soup Star this Sunday! Join two Portland non-profits for ladles of goodness. -

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