

Elon Musk is a loser.
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フォロー数:1273 フォロワー数:120

1 Sugar Cube! Charlotte's more mischievous and dangerous alter ego when she shrinks down!

2 A new Charlotte expression.

3&4 Mel! Big huntress lady that runs a bed 'n' breakfast brothel. She's very protective of her workers, having picked them up from less ethical environments

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Here's a 20USD comm I did for ! Keep in mind that my prices have since changed

This vvas a very fun piece to do, especially the metal~
I didn't realize it vvas supposed to be a gnome so she turned out HUGE! Heeheehee oops.

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1 Tvvo ugly old guys fighting become I've dravvn enough pretty girls.

2 DONNY GARR!!! Playing him for SS13.
He respects vvomen by being condescending to them all the time

3 My SS13 friend's character, Kazuya!

4 Touched up the nevvest Charlotte Sugar design again.

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1 Charlotte Sugar after vvork

2 Charlotte the Succubus! (D&D version)

3 carrot and ninja

4 Angel Fel, evil cat bitch, spavvned from my love for Asuka, Vriska and Azula

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1 Charlotte Sugar's design for this month's Christmas Crazy Arc

2 The normal character is Nina-Jay, owned by somebody else

3 Succubus Charlotte's first draft design

4 Succubus Charlotte's flute

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1 My friend 's OC, Xaiter!

2 Princess Hope Bellerose has a lot of self-imposed responsibilities and stress. She's Hugo's songwriter and closest helper

3 Captain of the Royal Guard, Princess Thumper Bellerose

4 Prince Hugo Bellerose's new reference sketch

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1 & 2 Ducky's original sketches where I forgot her dress

3 My ancient goblin casting a spell of creation

4 baby hugo bebe jugo

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1 & 2 Pyrakrov the Revolutionary
They've got a strong sense of justice and loyalty. Their determination is just as strong.

3 Still workin' on Mr. Plainview and Dolly

4 The actual response to "Assalamalaikum" is "Waleikum salam" oops. :3

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1 Neko meets Gata

2 Best hair color

3 A lil' painting inspired by 's vibrant pieces

4 Searching for a geometric and harshly sketched art style

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