

I draw stuff, but I'll never claim to be a good artist.

I also play Granblue Fantasy, but I'll never claim to be good at it.

Nier is cute.

フォロー数:65 フォロワー数:30

And then there was one.

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De La Fille out here making matching clothes for your birthday, bless her.

I also started the doodle last night, and then her FLB was announced, so I'm sort of on a De La Fille high right now, seriously what a great girl.

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I love drawing these two so much

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Bless my girl Abby, I'm unworthy of this precious OC.

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The training montage is going pretty well so far.

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Amon: Dark, Sabre / Fist (yes, smashing enemies with his sarcophagus counts for fist spec)

Iris: Fire, Staff / Spear

Bento: Light, Axe / Sabre

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why do I hear megalovania playing in the background

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we be stabby stabby
(now give us a rebalance)

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Exu likes to party. Apple pie party. Give Exu apple pie and party with Exu and apple pie. She deserves it. The apple pie, I mean.

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