Blake - TERRITORY 1-5 Late Pledges Available!さんのプロフィール画像

Blake - TERRITORY 1-5 Late Pledges Available!さんのイラストまとめ

Writer of TERRITORY, a post apocalyptic kaiju comic! Conservationist, naturalist and father of two. He/him

フォロー数:360 フォロワー数:596

18 hours left on the campaign for TERRITORY! Don't miss a chance to choose the you want to worship and join the tribe!

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Less than two days left to get ALL the you can handle! Get all 3 covers in the neon bundle including one of the few remaining issue 1s!

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Only 3 days left to join the tribe and check out TERRITORY an epic post apocalyptic kaiju mini series where people worship the kaiju as gods! You don't want to miss these epic covers by and !

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Stepping back a bit from the kaiju action, I want to talk about the human side of TERRITORY. At it's heart it's a story about how often we are indoctrinated into a belief system as we grow up. Then as we encounter the rest of the world those beliefs change and grow.

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Hey I'm Blake, the writer and creator of TERRITORY, an epic post apocalyptic kaiju mini series where people worship the kaiju as gods! TERRITORY is my first comic series and issues 1-3 are live now on Kickstarter!

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Happy last day of everyone! We at TERRITORY are proud to be a part of the community and have enjoyed showing our kaiju to the world while seeing all yours! If you want to see more check out our campaign for issues 1-3 on Kickstarter now!

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We are down to only ONE spot left to be drawn into a future TERRITORY issue! If you'd like to join a kaiju worshipping tribe like these fine folk check out our Kickstarter now!

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And finally in our newest issue, currently live on Kickstarter, is the Matl'iishqi, the Greathorn's fiercest foe yet! Art by Chris Sassman (chrissassmanart on IG)

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Thanks! I'll put the other two as well, first is Aquamassus who lost against the Greathorn in combat, art by

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Here is the main kaiju called the Greathorn from our post apocalyptic kaiju comic TERRITORY! We have more too if you're into that kinda thing 😁

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