The Bloodstone™ 🎸さんのプロフィール画像

The Bloodstone™ 🎸さんのイラストまとめ

Forensic Data Logical comedy. 'The Metal Data frontman'
independent investigator Closet digger.

I'll never put on a life jacket again chief.

フォロー数:1348 フォロワー数:4628

Grabbed a few hours on the The Pleiades, The Seven Sisters, M45 in between the clouds last night.
Using The Quattro 250P, paired with the Starizona Nexus. With the L-Pro With the ZWO 533MC.
Then, added 90 Minutes of LUM Only Data.

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Was able to grab a Quick 90 Minutes on "The Crescent Nebula 'NGC 6888'" This past week. In between the Sandblasting desert winds!
Going to revisit this target soon and give it the Time it deserves to bring the OIII Blue halo out a little bit more. Might go Wide-field next time!

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The Pelican Nebula.
Was able to grab a few usable hours of Ha and OIII Data in between the Wind and sand blasting of the desert the past week. Forecast is looking Clear and calm for tonight to grab some SII Data to finish this up Finally!
The Starizona Nexus is AMAZING at F3!

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The "Astro wind and sky gods" were Kind last Night! Was able to grab a little more Data on the Sadar region with cluster NGC 6910 upper right.

With summer comes 110 & no clouds for months! Just in time for Nebulas to roll around.
This scope is a beast at F3!


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Grabbed another night of Data on the Cygnus wall in the North American nebula... Trying a lot of Different methods of processing more and more these days. So many Directions you can head with the same Data !

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Going thru my Laptop finding Old Data that i never processed has been an absolute JOY.

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Quick 2 hours of HA and OIII Data Zoomed in on the rosette nebula With the Quattro 250p Zoomed in!
Results like this make me want to get the Real Coma corrector for it.
That scope pulls in some serious photons FAST.
250p 1000mm
QHY 294mm
Optolong HA
Astronomik OIII

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