#1 bestselling author. Co-founder @kindredharvest (kindredharvest.co). THE EGGS BENEDICT OPTION (Amazon).

MAN'S WORLD (mansworldmag.online)

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Liberal advocates of mass immigration want you to believe that nothing can be done about it, as this new cartoon of British PM Rishi Sunak as King Canute suggests (with great subtlety). But something decisive could very easily be done about it. Look at Hungary, for instance. 👇

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Yet more fabrication. The "longhouse" has nothing to do with age. It's about a domestic ideal that smothers men and prevents them exercising their inborn nature. Here's a meme I made once with my own gran in mind, a woman on whose behalf I would suffer the devil's worst torments. https://t.co/cICHSC23Vg

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Producers are also banking on inflation to do most of the work for them, by making traditional animal products a luxury. The mask came off in this NYT piece last summer. Inflation will do the work that rational discourse can't. You won't choose to go plant-based: you'll have to.

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Stay cosy today, frens.

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Your daily reminder that you'll never struggle to find people willing to encourage you to be your worst possible self. Misery loves company.

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Following on from my last thread about the Agricultural Revolution, I'm going to talk about the "Golden Age of Barbarians".

This millennia-long period, before the state became the dominant political form the world over, was the best time to be a barbarian. Here's why 👇 https://t.co/SxfJGQVEEY

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Man's World Annual looking absolutely BASED with 's fantastic translation of Ernst Junger's weird and wonderful 'Combat as Inner Experience'. Out soon!

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Once again I'd like to thank all of the amazing contributors to Man's World, without whom there would be no magazine. Here's to you, my friends! May there be many more issues to come!

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There's a new man's mag in town and it's called Man's World. Featuring original content from Orwell N Goode, Ben Braddock, Sol Brah, Zero HP Lovecraft, and yours truly; classic texts from Junger and Mishima; classy totty -- and so much more! Get your FREE copy this weekend!

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