

For everyone who lived and loved pop culture in the 70's and 80's!

フォロー数:419 フォロワー数:19057

Supposedly inspired by DC’s Parasite, Eclipso, Clayface, Ultra-Humanite, Star Sapphire, and Sonar. Although I am sure there can be other possible influences as well.

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The Institute of Evil!

From the pages of Squadron Supreme: Lamprey, Quagmire, Shape, Ape-X, Foxfire & Doctor Decibel!

I’d enjoy seeing the analogous team of DC Comics villains return & create havoc in the Marvel Universe! Too bad they mostly met their end in the classic series.

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Iron Fist fought a lot of heroes in his 15 issue Bronze Age book!

Good night all!

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Controversial opinion... The Kingpin is a Spider-Man villain!

Don’t get me wrong - I enjoyed his manipulations and confrontations with DD, but I grew up with him harassing Spidey. I’d like to see him do that again!

Office furniture beware!

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Floating head splash page!

(Four words that I suspect only a comic book collector may understand)!

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Ghost Rider!

The original Ghost Rider is a largely forgotten Marvel Silver Age entry! (7 issues; 1967).

The character made occasional appearances using a different moniker in more recent days, but he has a small fraction of the recognition awarded his contemporaries.

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It has highs and few lows; overall it was an enjoyably weird and creative run.

Don McGregor had a strong vision of where he wanted the story to go and overall the art is great particularly Craig Russell.

I’m surprised Killraven hasn’t shown up more in Marvel comics.

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Galactus (not battling FF) covers!

Why was there only one “Super-Villain Classics” issue?

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Galactus and ROM!

Galactus was more aggressive in this arc, and I enjoyed his interaction with ROM. The resolution involving Galador, the Wraith World & the Dark Nebula had some nice twists.

Considering ROM shares some characteristics with the Silver Surfer, it was a fun ride.

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How big is the Atom in your collection?

Ray Palmer has been in the DC pantheon since October of 1961 (just a few months ahead of Hank Pym’s Ant-Man over at Marvel). Are you an Atom fan?

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