

Ex-Spécialiste Microsoft.. fanboy Sony qui aime le JV , la japanime, la photo (…) + d'autres trucs dont le curling.

フォロー数:2184 フォロワー数:80

I'm so happy with how my Zhongli cosplay turned out! He's such a cool and powerful character.I'm really excited to try out this cosplay makeup tutorial for Eula!🙉 Impact
Original: 江南岸x

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I'm really looking forward to cosplaying as Sayu! Her outfit is so cute and I love her anemo-based abilities.

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I'm really looking forward to cosplaying as Yanfei! Her outfit is so unique and I love her fire-based abilities.
🔥🔥🔥 Impact
Original: 咖喱牛肉煲仔饭

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