

🇮🇹 Storyteller, Illustrator,
PS & Vector addicted,
Exploring AI & Diversity in Art | ❤️ 🇯🇵

👉 #KO | #OS | #Objkt
👉 #TezQuakeAid

フォロー数:1877 フォロワー数:963

my SamuraiGirl BUSHIDO Code

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this was a beautiful weekend for me, ☀️
another great piece "Anna" has joined my collection, thank you , 🙌❤️

everyone, check out this amazing collection!!!

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Thank you so much to my unknown collector [muetz???], for grabbing 2 pieces form Dystopian.Extended. 😊🙏


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hi dear,
tysm for send me an edition of "Speed" from your amazing collection!!! i really like it very much!!! 🤩🔥

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dear mrZILKA,
🫴 DC-Extended.12.Nora sent!

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hi LostSoulSurfer,
sent to you DC-Extended.17.Danya 🙌

2 1

hi THEFallenAngle,

for you DC-Extended.04.Vanessja
Sent! 😘

0 2

ntmy HELL_EYE 😊

for you DC-Extended.14.Hanna
Sent! 😘

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