


フォロー数:82 フォロワー数:35

just a small doodle (with color, funny how i just want to bit draw a doodle/sketch to full on color with shade n texure) i did few week ago, forgot to post

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bit of a doodle with the new brushes have/trying to remake. so far so good, also "spooky"

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a drawing been working on with new way to shade and bit newer art style, she like party hard n hard on the booze n da DrUgS but not so good at her job being a Succubus how can you hang out with friends when they are corrupt O-o

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just a little sketch i been working on with some color, not best when come to background that is something i need to work, been playing alot of Northern Journey were i got idea from for the drawing

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doodle/sketch of a nice looking woman at the beach... she don't seem to happy, water to cold or something? don't know

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a doodle of a race i been thinking about and working on pose, hopefully i can make a story or something

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very let night doodle of a character i have in mind.

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HAPPY B DAY TO ITS HIS B'DAY!!!! i draw robo lady with really nice juicy thicc as- i mean cake for turk O-O'

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portrait of unseeliefae and her cat (who is not kungfu... somewhat) unseeliefae made some 3D props for the hotel. 15 out of 17 just 2 more to go

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me: i need to learn more about UE5 so i can start making a game
also me: doodle booba

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