

Now that I have our attention 😂😂😂please 🙏follow and like❤️all my posts or else i will KILL YOU☠️

(I'm a Leo, do NOT anger me)

フォロー数:379 フォロワー数:5302

No because the tourney isn’t over until the FINAL which is the winner of the other bracket vs this bracket wtf????

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You think coming out as gay is hard? Try telling your girlfriend that you’re playing League of Legends all day

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I threw up after leaving work because of anxiety and stress, but because I hurled I can’t legally work for 48 hours, but I can’t get a hold of anyone to cover my shift as it’s midnight and I’m meant to be head chef tomorrow from 8am wtf do I do

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Nagatoro season 2 confirmed today is a good day

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Goal in life is to live tweet while getting laid

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The biggest challenge of delivery driving is resisting the urge to run over all these kids on their shitty electric scooters that they ride on the road

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i have been playing league for like 6 months and i'm still absolute dogshit except now i can tell when i'm being dogshit and slowly lose my mental when i can do nothing about it because i fell behind by 1000 gold before 15mins

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Had to ask a customer to leave today because one of my staff had a restraining order against them (customer didn’t know they worked there, not malicious)

but I was scared they were gonna kick off because no food but thankfully they left easily, tough day

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