Bakari 𓁢 Spikeborker 🇨🇦さんのプロフィール画像

Bakari 𓁢 Spikeborker 🇨🇦さんのイラストまとめ

✨Furry-adjacent paleo-enthusiast spiky wild god✨Horned on main✨🔞 ✨she/her/40/♏✨🌙🦉🇺🇸🇨🇦✨

フォロー数:894 フォロワー数:183

More non-standard grr girls, mostly my Bakari but also my oni possessed were-kitsune, Sugiami

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My normal style isn't standard woofs, so here's some non-standard grrs and one sorta standard grr lol

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Challenge accepted: at work on cellphone mode!

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Creatures, anthros, animals, dragons...I love and make it all! I tend to make glowing high contrast things.

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Hey there, I'm Bakari and I've been in this mess since about 1999 or so. I make monsters, anthros, ferals, and weirdness! <3

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In an effort to stay positive and productive I thought I'd share four of my more recent, more unique personal non-Blackwolf related references! Please enjoy my ladies ^.^

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Hildeber is a heavy metal band's drummer and tough as nails. I made her last year for the Year of the Boar (my Chinese zodiac, born in '83...I'm only slightly biased) and finally got around to giving her a ref <3

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So Baki made a thing...a chonky lovely porcine thing. You really don't see swine characters enough and if you do they're usually portrayed as bumbling idiots or villians. Poor critters, I love em! So here's my rockin drummer girl, Hildeber, she finally got a ref!

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