

batman fan

フォロー数:652 フォロワー数:226

Bruce and dick smiling creepy smiles

1 9

Im emotional that bruce keeps this picture with him all the time
thank you !

1 3

Which Amnesia character do you prefer?
also which amnesia girlfriend do you prefer?

1 9

Batman pulling a sword out pf his belt>>>>

1 2

I love this moment where batman convinces rorshach to turn the darkness into something productive

cos thats what batman is all about harnessing your darkness and tuning it into something good
embrace your darkness
love it
be strong

4 6

and they say black cat is more beautiful

2 12

batman worlds greatest cook!

5 45

you missed my fav part in the whole comic
lex being jealous of bruce
bruce in the darkness

2 3