

Cartoonist / Tsevé'ho'ė
Creator of @LampLighterStu
Co-Host of @bcandfs

フォロー数:202 フォロワー数:463

I honestly couldn't tell you why

1 12

Don't expect the boys to understand that diamonds are a girls best friend

6 22

Still thinkin' about it....

1 29

Uh oh! 's Salok is... fascinating

3 4

🎵🎶You're on a roll and now you pray it'll last. The road beyond was rocky, but now you're feeling cocky 🎶🎵

6 33

3 drawings from Feb, July, and Oct

2 18

Struggle is real today 💀

1 10

Penance and Karma doodle to make me feel better <3

1 16

Who says halfings have the best dances???

2 7