

MH Researcher (Retiring soon. Going to stick around longer).
Member of @CapcomUSA_ Creator Program and @hobbylink Affiliate Program.

pfp by @MOHAMMEDFI10.

フォロー数:1277 フォロワー数:52240

As its name implies, Garuba Daora is a close relative of Kushala Daora. It's theorized by researchers that, like Kushala Daora, Garuba Daora was originally silver in color. They believe its appearance and characteristics changed due to it living in a different environment.

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Before he leaves to assist in the investigation, he sends his granddaughter a request. While he's gone, he wants her to take over his post and become the new Guild Master of Mezeporta.

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1. Monster Hunter Frontier
2. Monster Hunter Frontier Memorial Book: 10th Anniversary Archives - pg. 115

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From Inagami living in the Bamboo Forest for hundreds of years, its body has changed accordingly to match its environment. Many parts of Inagami's body, especially its horns and tail, greatly resemble bamboo, giving it the regal appearance of an old wise king.

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Name: Inagami (イナガミ)
Title: Old Elegant Dragon (雅翁龍)
Average Length: 1600cm

Class: Elder Dragon

Habitats: Bamboo Forest

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Here's some weapons (Long Sword, Sword & Shield, Hunting Horn, Bow) that can be crafted with Diorex's materials.

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Despite its heavily armored appearance, Diorex is actually slim and gray in color. Possibly due to its electrical abilities, its scales are far softer than Tigrex's, so Diorex is more vulnerable to attacks from threats compared to its cousin.

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Name: Diorekkusu/Diorex (ディオレックス)
Title: Thunder Roaring Wyvern (雷轟竜)
Average Length: 1750cm

Class: Flying Wyvern

Habitats: Great Forest Peak, Fortress Ruins

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