

MH Researcher (Retiring soon. Going to stick around longer).
Member of @CapcomUSA_ Creator Program and @hobbylink Affiliate Program.

pfp by @MOHAMMEDFI10.

フォロー数:1270 フォロワー数:51824

Risen Teostra completes the "Risen Elder Dragon Trio" in

His appearance reminds me of HC Teostra and Supremacy Teostra from Monster Hunter Frontier, and interestingly, he has blue flames on his forelimbs, which vaguely resemble Lunastra's blue flames.

67 674

I get the feeling it's going to be a long day tomorrow.

54 719

Emperor of Flame - Teostra

"Yokai" -

7 40

Scarlet Feast - Malzeno

Monster - Vampire/Dracula

32 312

Wandering Colossus - Garangolm

Monster - Frankestein's Monster/Golem

81 677

Breath of Ire - Wind Serpent Ibushi
Lady of Lightning - Thunder Serpent Narwa

"Yokai" - &

12 91

MH Title Logos - 5th Gen

13 158

Size Comparison - Plesioth

Length: 2315cm (1st - 2nd Gen)/3247.6cm (3rd - 4th Gen?)

Height: 1040cm (1st - 2nd Gen)/?cm (3rd - 4th Gen?)

Foot Measurements: 249cm (1st - 2nd Gen)/?cm (3rd - 4th Gen?)

6 76