

18+ Son of Cerberus, Idol villain. I am in love with Table top RPGs art tag - #ArtLocking twitch- +Twitch +Youtube +Throne 💚: @RoboticSamwich

フォロー数:1662 フォロワー数:619

Idk probubly this eldrich god with the cutest fuckin voice iv heard in a while.

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I mean give me some extra time we could… slip you out. Allot of pushing and pulling maby~

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Your art always throws me over the wall, i never stop adoring that cute doggy girl as well. I mean im a wolf so cant blame me right?

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I absolutly do. But it some dreams may be lewder than intended.

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Yes! Finnaly somone who gets my option for stealth!

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Gona devistate the internet with how amazing your gona look in that.

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All of the above yah beautiful bun.

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