

i like boys

フォロー数:965 フォロワー数:213

Pyon!! Says Chin hehe

10 33

Happiest Birthday to my fren uwu thanks for all the things youve helped me with i hopr you have a great birthday <3

8 25

Kiyo and Ren are practicing their roars...very intimidating aren't they?

Ren is 's boy uwu

5 19

Tama from "Uchi Tama"

This one's for ^w^

7 26

For the previous raffle winner

7 28

Redesigned Okaru(again)

6 29


Tasu the spirit shepherd

6 24

Lets go to Tartarus!!!!

My part of the art trade with

5 21

Build the world!

's oc Capri^^
I hope you like it!!

10 90