Manu: CEO of Nangouさんのプロフィール画像

Manu: CEO of Nangouさんのイラストまとめ

Horny on main/Cinema student/20

My dream is to be the jester of jank

Pokémon TCG/FKMT/Urasawa
🇨🇱 /🇬🇧

フォロー数:1207 フォロワー数:241

Ken need to redesign the dark ring in order to effectively take control over Metalgreymon? It did mostly fine with Andromon, and that dude was on relatively equal footing with 2 of the dark masters. Why doesn't Ken try to go for Wargreymon instead? Does he not know it exists???

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Also I think this is my best chance to talk about this. I get that Skullgreymon is supposed to look like an abomination as to reflect the corrupt way of its inception, but the "pure"/"true" evolution is a red-haired dinosaur with butterfly wings, iron tits and nipple missiles.

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Ep 9: Exploring Ken's personality and motivations adds so much to him as a character, that is has to be one of the best moments in the franchise up to this point, off the top of my head I can only thing about the separation of the Ishida family as something that could come close

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Just realized that Sylveon's color scheme is the same as the trans flag's

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If Digimon are born from eggs then why are there Digimon with tits? 🤔

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It's not Meguro-San's first time

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Ep 6: Oh no there she is. As funny as the bags gag is, didn't they already figured out that the plushie thing worked during 01? At least TK should remember that. The animation in this one is pretty ass and the plot is pretty stupid. Mimi truly ruins everything she touches.

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Ep 5: Aww I love Wormmon, also it was funny when it was Patamon and Gabumon because I hate them but poor Gomamon. Love how being in the real world lends itself for the main cast to be more fleshed out, Miyako still the best character and it's not even close.

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Every hammer heads, every ADPZ mirror, this god-forsaken format that has been stale since August 2020 will be worth it when I get to play Urshifu with literally everything

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