

wassie/not frok - Custom Wassies + Stream Summaries #keepwalking #2_weeks_lifespan_gang pfp by @smolsnip

フォロー数:476 フォロワー数:8309

Yes Henlo operator, yes iz wassie. Now could you bls send telegram letter to Jamie.

Yes letter should read “Jamie, thank u for smol comment, but who asked, who cares, ratio, I drank ur choccy milk”

1 15

Hmmmm, we iz waiting for answer sir

Wassie hab all day, and ze day after dat, and after dat, and after dat, and after dat, and after dat, and after dat, and dat, and dat, and dat, and dat, and dat, and dat, and death on day 14

So I hab those days to be able to wait for dis

0 8

Wassie owns choccy milk :3

Good investment until sore tummy awh :c

0 0

little brother also available for adoption

0.5 ETH

1 4