

Lubee Bat Conservancy is an international organization dedicated to protecting biodiversity via fruit bat conservation. Schedule a tour through our website!

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Attention! Attention! Today is the last outreach! Come out and see our ambatsadors and check out some batty books! 🤘

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Welcome to the world Bruja! 🥳 When Ravenclaw went into labor Wednesday, her daughter decided to try coming out feet first. Thanks to Dr. Jim Wellehan & the A+ staff at , both mom & pup are well & have returned home with the latter firmly attached & nursing. 🤱

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And now, your Monday morning 🖤

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Remember not 2 handle grounded bats with bare hands. Placing it into a nearby🌲 is far better than displacing it by taking it home (do check 4 predators first!) Contact a local rehab if the animal truly appears 2 need added help or hasn’t moved in a few hours.

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