IG: Bagus.Artworksさんのプロフィール画像

IG: Bagus.Artworksさんのイラストまとめ

Open commission!
PM me for more detailed info!

フォロー数:142 フォロワー数:1114

Dari yang muda sampe yang tua, semua berjuang sesuai kemampuan untuk ikut mengurangi penyebaran Corona. Semoga mereka diberi kesehatan dan kemudahan!

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Hi, my name is Bagus and I am comic artist based in Indonesia. Here are several samples of my previous work.
You can email me in bcahyono162.com if you're interested. Thank you so much.

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Hi riddle me this.. ah no, no riddle, I'm comic artist desperately looking for job. Here are several samples from my previous work. Thank you so much Mr King. It's a great riddle.

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Hi, my name is Bagus and I am comic artist based in Indonesia. I do both ink and color digitally. I'm really interested in working for this project. Here are several samples from my previous work.
Thank you so much.

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Hi Brittany, my name is Bagus and I am comic artist based in Indonesia. I do both ink and color digitally. I'm really interested in working for this project. Here are several samples from my previous work.
Thank you so much.

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Hi my name is Bagus and I am comic artist based in Indonesia. Currently I am looking for a job as a comic artist. I so both ink and color digitally. And here are several samples from my previous work.
Thank you so much.

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Hi, my name is Bagus and I am comic artist based in Indonesia. I do both ink and color digitally. I'm really interested in working for this project. Here are several samples from my previous work.
Thank you so much.

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Hi, my name is Bagus and I am comic artist based in Indonesia. I do both ink and color digitally. I'm really interested in working for this project. Here are several samples from my previous work.
Thank you so much.

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