

In a sequentially ranked hierarchy based on level of critical importance, the disparity between us is too vast to quantify.

フォロー数:3 フォロワー数:79

Nobody talks about Magician's Red's stupid little boots and I think that's sinful.
Stan Magician's Red and its boots.

5 23

Well, not exactly. The difference between them is slight, but it's there.
It's much more visible in close up shots. It's very likely for an animator to cut corners a bit on a wider shot. Due to the one close up settei avaliable being of Jotaro, these shots will resemble him.

2 15

Silver Bullet for the collab, organized by !
Drawing a horse was daunting but the collab's 'marketing team' convinced me to go for it lmao
Riding Diego by
Stay tuned for my other contributions, which will be posted alongside the finished collab!

17 30

Drew up these stupid little things because I needed filler images for Toyhouse. Curiously enough I think they took longer than coding the actual profile they're for

EoH-coloring 6taro supremacy

2 0

Jotaro with no brim
Did this edit completely randomly. I'm sure someone's done it before, I don't care I felt like doing it so I did

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