Steve Simsさんのプロフィール画像

Steve Simsさんのイラストまとめ

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North East US may have Ninja Turtles, but the South West UK has got us some Battle Badgers! :)

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Hey peeps!!, (drum roll please....)
After a bit of tweaking and poking is finally up and running!
A Huuuuuuuuuge bow of kung fu style respect to the web wizard and long time elder mystic of the Badger clan Zacco.

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Hey peeps!
Gunna be at the Taunton Comic-con this weekend, so anyone in the area fancy picking up some Badger merch, sketches or books, pop on down to the table!

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The Badger Knights return!
Have been staring at screens a lot lately so thought I would go old school for a friday sketch book bit :)

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It's that time of year again peeps! :)

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Book 4 off to the printers so time to get some painty practice in :)

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Hey peeps, have been busy inking away on book 4 so haven't posted any pics for a while.
Here's a pic I have been tinkering with for a while :)

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Merry Winterfest to all! May the big badger spirit bring you warmth and well-being :)

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Water colour workings for a change.

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