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Retrieving the fabled Arrow of Apollo from Caprica played an integral part in not only the Fleet's journey, but in Kara Thrace's own journey of self discovery

Follow - preserving the rich history of the 12 Colonies

3 20

Welcome to all the new Nuggets who Followed us recently - be sure to have a browse thru what the Colonial Archives have uploaded to date - Starbuck week starts Monday!

Follow - preserving the rich history of the 12 Colonies

3 24

Close-up of The First Cylon War painting by Monclair [Ken Rabehl] and in situ in Adama's quarters. A painter of considerable renown given Baltar's reaction to the piece

Follow - preserving the rich history of the 12 Colonies

3 17

Gaius Baltart...

Follow - preserving the rich history of the 12 Colonies

1 21