

Sing one more note & I'll finish that song on a violin made out of YOU. (black/biracial male, likes rule 63,hates trump wont hate on him 24/7. liberal, yokite)

フォロー数:2546 フォロワー数:2617

Didn't read it, just rolled my eyes and I don't know how popular it was- just that it existed. Also it's not Japanese- it's Korean, so if that doesn't count...

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Tell me you don't know how fiction works without telling me you don't know how fiction works.

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Basically Horse gets frozen in a block of ice, so Derpleton decides to get her out by “derpledropping” her: carrying the ice cube to the stratosphere while singing that song and then just dropping it.

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I also finally saw season 2 of Centaurworld.
I hate to admit it, but I loved the Durpledrop song.

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Or more like Becky Apples.

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Thank you SO fucking much for not killing Rider though.
She and Horse need to be best friends forever, and I would have once again thrown things if she had died.

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