

Sing one more note & I'll finish that song on a violin made out of YOU. (black/biracial male, likes rule 63,hates trump wont hate on him 24/7. liberal, yokite)

フォロー数:2546 フォロワー数:2617

Sad thing is a lot of the bigger stuff is never translated.
There was a yugioh AU thing where Joey wheeler/katsuya jonouchi is a girl and tries to get kaiba to agree to marry her for money.

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I agree with the bottom comment.

51 238

Best thing that ever came out of it was this meme.

35 742

I was actually learning how to use my wacom tablet.

1 11

Lol. Shaggy's the best here.

53 348

This one... so relatable.

1 4

Finally... an actual story with rule 63 roger rabbit and Jessica...
thank you, sad panda...

1 8

... pinky, are you pondering what I'm pondering?...

0 2

Lot of different interpretations, but generally some kind of dragon-like goat/deer/moose critter.

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