

Webtoon Artist with no sense of self preservation, lv34, 🇩🇪&🇺🇸. Weeb and cat-fanatic 🥳 check out ‘you’ve gotta be kitten me!’ PMs are closed 🚫✉️

フォロー数:294 フォロワー数:1532

Ahm…yeah, that sounds about right.

3 31

More bunnies! Although this one is a tad older 🤣 But, hey, just in case you haven’t seen it yet 😊

6 135

I dunno, this will never not be funny for me 😂 (Anime: Golden Boy)

4 34

For Jackie it’s October 3rd (which is a national holiday in Germany) and September 20th for Mino which…is the ‘Area51 raid’ anniversary date. One birthday has actual meaning for the character and the story…the other is just a joke 😅

2 23

I need to pencil 4 more pages on the bonus chapter for ‘Katzen’, then I can start drawing ch3 ‘GIRLS GIRLS GIRLS’. I’m so looking forward for it because it’s one of my fav stories. Conflict, Jack&Wally get to bond a bit and lotsa new characters, including my beloved Cindy 🥰

3 23

I noticed I’ve never posted the colored version of my sketch…whoops. 😅 It was fun drawing/coloring him. Now I totally want to create a character with large teeth…🤔 (btw. Still lotsa artwork in my 2022 stach. So there’s more to come….)

4 31

Remember the meme from a couple years ago? This was my attempt of it with Mino and Sedine. Thought you might wanna see it 😊

7 48

But I also liked these two ‘Katzen’-panels. Jack’s glasses flying off his face is the cartoony stuff I really dig. And the other panel just had a cool composition I’m kinda proud of 😎

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Hard to say I really liked this panel of Patchouli. His stare turned out really nice, imo

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