

A mom who loves comics and shares her thoughts about them.

フォロー数:214 フォロワー数:25

What a roller coaster ride this issue is!! I knew something else was up with that “B” Iris. Issue will be either damning or redeeming or both for Gabriel, Bishop, Danny and Gabriel…

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Wilma gets a shocking visitor, while both the Survivors and the Ravens try to get a handle on their situations. Wilma has a ton to digest and choice, what will she choose? What information will she uncover next?

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Ami, the member of the band in which the house chose, did as the house requested and got more than she bargained for...the house wants more and Ami wants to help put things back together, but at what cost?

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Wilma has finally gotten some answers from The Ravens and her Dad. Now she must decide how to handle this new information, as well as, how to handle the big cliff hanger this issue dropped on us...

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Abby continues her search for Paolo with Lucas in tow. However, she finds something more that she bargained for, as does Lucas. The Samurai are all around and the Fukushima personnel are on guard. What will become of the remaining members of Disaster Inc.?

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