

フォロー数:2951 フォロワー数:2797

ko-fi reward!
G'raha Tia in a maid outfit. (I wish to snug him.)

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I'm live on twitch!! Come hang out while I draw a... troglodyte wearing a John Deere onesie..,?

3 14

Finished anthro redesign for !

This is a ko-fi reward, you can join my ko-fi if you want to give me money in exchange for monthly art!

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Streaming tomorrow at 11 AM EST!!

Join my server if you wanna hang out!

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Apologies! I'm not live.

I set those scheduled tweets on Sunday but I selected the wrong day! That's on me.

Here's a picture of my sona about to pass out from hunger.

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Arcturus makes his way to the road, delirium setting in as his starvation worsens.

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He's not happy about whatever's going on here.

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