

Art Account for Beat City Music Monsters c.2021. Umm... Games a bit too ambitious for me. Trying to write a story.

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Follower has unlocked the first curse! The Nine Inch Nail Curse. You can feel your nails growing longer already Each new follower will unlock a new CURSE! (until I run out) They will get even worse.

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Heavy Kettle is a Music Monster inspired by the movie Heavy Metal (1981) With a dash of It's crazy, but I hope it is so crazy that it just might work.

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Today is the one year anniversary of Beat City Music Monsters. These are the original 4 monsters designed for the project. 40 have been revealed so far!!

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There is a strange new game coming out Should I give a chance??? 2 Panels (1 of 2) 👇👇👇👇👇👇

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Day 1 of Dragonbones. Does anyone know what causes the artifacting on the tentacles?

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