

• art i guess not really wow • 24 •

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also something that i have been working on for ages and never finished, an alicorn oc, inspired by the avi i made in ponytown, tbh might mix him into the sonnie lore/world bc hes similar to bebs, i have not decided yet

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realized i also tend to not upload the art that i was working on after a stream, but heres a WC oc, his name is Hawkflight and yes i have two fan made clans that are full of my own ocs and no i wont tell you about them, ill just show them to you

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okay enough overwatch babble, Missy 2022

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reference for my pngtuber! markings are symmetrical, ill post a side by side reference so you can see how big they are

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in celebration of Sonnie's redesign here are all of his previous references, including the original watercolor of him, it was the first time i had ever even drawn him

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