

I'm Bee, I like bugs and drawing. 🇫🇷 FR. Clueless all the time. Can moss swallow me? (Commissions closed) She/her

フォロー数:398 フォロワー数:17839

He's making sandwiches :) 🥪 🥩

74 528

Made a sea witch and a bread witch living there! They are gf :)

72 514

Recent commissions I did! They were all so fun to draw 🤧

28 309

My boy for 😔 he is a star seeker and travel through space to catch stars

61 496

Wanted to draw my cheese witch again 🥺🧀

255 1631

Bon bah je pensais pas faire un fanart de Kid Paddle aujourd'hui mais apparemment c'est le cas🤙

13 126